Sunday, 21 July 2013

The Lesson Plan

This is our rough copy of our lesson plan for approximately 15 days while we are in The Gambia. I left room so that if we fall behind that we still have a few more days to catch up (and do more fun things with the children). The children are aged 14-21 (ahh my own age), so any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated. I will have wifi sometimes in The Gambia, so feel free to put and games you know, or comment and I will see them within a few days. I will update what has or has not worked as we go, and changes that we have already made. So here is the lesson plan.. yes I think I have a tad of OCD as I needed to colour code it.. Maybe that is just the nursing student in me ; ) 

Blue: Hour 1      
Green: Hour 2
Red: Hour 3
Purple: Hour 4
**Note that Lecture should not just be a formal lecture/include class in activity

Day One:
1.0 – Introduction
-Introductions of us/program (15mins)
Get to know each other game (30mins)
Pre-quiz (15mins)
1.1 – Water Facts
-True or False with water facts –split into groups (30mins)
2.0 - Draw/Explain water cycle (30mins)
-Activity #1: Water Cycle Experiment/Discussion (1hr)
Discussion on first day (30mins)
-what students hope for/interests/what they likes/didn’t like
Ball thrown, if get ball must say one thing you learned today. (30mins)

Day Two:
-Get students to draw a water cycle and label it in groups. Show to class (1hr)
-Activity #3: Water Cycle Bead Game (30mins)
3.0 -What is a watershed lecture (30mins) –show picture of Senegal/Gambia watershed
-Activity #2: Water Cycle Rap (1hr)
-How does the water cycle relate to Gambia? (1hr)

Day Three
Activity #4: The Gambia River Watershed (1hr) – keep these for activity #5
Discuss watershed that were made/put them together (1hr)
-Activity #5: What is a Watershed (1hr)
4.0/4.1/4.2 – Lecture on Water Pollution/Categories/Effects – Ask what causes pollution/Trivia (1hr)

Day Four
5.0 – What is a water-borne disease?
-Activity #6: Spreading of Disease (Glitter) (20mins)
-Activity #7: Scavenger Hunt – including discussion on all of 5s topics (1hr40min)
Write down the 5 water-borne diseases. In groups get students to make a skit about what the disease is, the symptoms, how the got it, and treatment. (1hr)
6.0 – Ask if students know how contaminated water enters our bodies.
-Ask/explain how contaminated water enters (1hr)

Day Five
-Activity #8: Hand-washing posters (1hr)
Come up with a hand-washing song – with actions (1hr)
7.0 – What is water scarcity/where does drinking water come from (30mins)
Draw out how much water on earth is drinkable (30mins)
-Activity #9: Water Scarcity Experiment (30mins)
7.3 – Explain who are the main users of water.
Ask what are the primary causes of water scarcity (30mins)

Day Six
Explain main causes/how much water we need (1hr)
-Activity #10: Water Scarcity Skits (1hr)
8.0- Water conservation: Get class to think of ways to conserve water (30mins)
10.7 – Ask about how Gambians get water/problems seen (30mins)
Explain what all problems are (1hr) –come up with activity

Day Seven
8.1-Explain water quantity (1hr)
Groups brainstorm ways to preserve and promote good water quality (1hr)
8.2 – Water quality: explain (1 hr)
Water quality/quantity Jeopardy (1hr)

Day Eight
Groups brainstorm ways to preserve and promote good water quality (1hr)
Get groups to make up signs to promote and preserve good water quality – show examples (1hr)
-Activity #11: Water quality (30mins)
Trivia on content so far (1.5hr)

Day Nine
9.0 – Water change/scarcity/quality (1hr)
9.1 – West African Monsoon (30mins)
9.2 – Climate Change and Rainfall (30mins)
9.3 – Climate Change and Sea Level Rise (30mins)
Activity #12: Greenhouse in a Jar Set-up (1.5hr)

Day Ten
Activity #13: Sea level rise musical newspaper (2hr)
9.4 - Climate Change Effects on Agriculture/Activity #12 Conclusion (1hr)
Water Obstacle Course (1hr)

Day Eleven
10.0 – Water issues specific to The Gambia (1hr)
10.1 –Water Quality in The Gambia (1hr)
Gambia Water Idol (2hr)

Day Twelve:
10.2 – Gambia Drinking Water Sources (1hr)
10.3 – Cause of surface water contamination (1hr)
Ways to take home what you have learned so far (1hr)
True/False group Activity (1hr)

Day Thirteen
10.4 – Are you buying good quality water poll/discussion/what makes up good drinking water? (1hr)
10.4 – Lecture/discussion (1hr)
Water Quantity in The Gambia (1hr)
Baseball Game/Trivia Version (1hr)

Day Fourteen
10.6 Regulations Regarding Construction (1hr)
Make your own regulation poster (1hr)
10.7 – Storing Water in The Gambia (1hr)
Use resources around to make your own water-storing unit – see who holds the most water (1hr)

Day Fifteen
10.8 – Pathogenic Organisms (1hr)
Activity #14: Water Distribution Challenge (1hr)
Consequences of sharing drinking water (1hr)
Make up quotes/songs (1hr)

Hope you enjoyed : ) 
Sam xo

Some More Information

I have had a lot of changes to the program since I started. First off, we are leaving in TWO DAYS. So I will be gone from July 23rd till August 29th in The Gambia, and I will be in London, England until the 3rd of September. We are only going to be in one school now, however, there are going to be 100 children from across the country (the smallest country in Africa) who will be coming to do summer school with us. Mostly everything is packed, and we are ready to go. 

The goals that the Nova Scotia Gambia Association have set forth are.. 

-to increase knowledge about water borne diseases
-to educate about healthy water habits to prevent the spread of water borne disease
-raise awareness of water scarcity
-promote safe ways of conserving water
-provide educational activities for students

These are great goals, but I have so many more that I wish to accomplish. Some of those being... 

-learn new communication strategies for language/cultural barriers
-to use the least amount of lecturing as possible
-to know my teaching material inside and out
-and most importantly to live with purpose : ) (AGD) 

I will follow this post by updating our rough copy of the lesson plan that I put together. This lesson plan will change on a daily basis. I am hoping that you will comment on ideas that you have for teaching, and activities and games, etc. This blog is for you to help me, and me to help you in your future endeavours on what may or may not work when teaching other cultures. 

Sam xo